A few mutant Nazi bears would certainly enliven my memoirs too. 'At school, I was always in awe of the Maths teacher (who, it later turned out, was a mutant Nazi bear).' Get your dad to add a few and I'll look over his memoirs and tell you whether they're worth your time.

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My father died in Germany in combat in WWII. I've been haunted by his silver star heroics all my life. Thanks for the post. Yes, it sucks to turn 50 and find out much of our life has been on the wrong path. In my case wasted on not writing.

"It is what it is."

We move one and patch whatever we have left to be productive.

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Yep. And 50 is nothing! My best years are yet to come 😊

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Haha great idea!

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When I was at uni not eating Nestle chocolate was all the rage. I found that out from my peer group as I was busy stuffing my face with the offending goods.

I didn't know about social conscience, because I came from a cabin in the woods in a different country, a child of the uneducated working class (No Nazi bears there, but it was a bit too close to the Russians for comfort.) and had no British middle class insights into such modern political faux-pas behaviour. As nothing ever happened there in the woods, apart from my parents drinking too much vodka, it does not make much for a memoir either, but I'd like to audition for your film please. I think I have the right experience to either play you, or the Nazi bear as long as it can have a Russian accent.

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You can play me AND a mutant Russian Nazi bear 🐻

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Wohoo! I promise I won’t mix the two roles up, not even one bit.

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It's more fun if you do!

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I, for one, am pumped for your upcoming podcast: “My Dad Wrote a Secret Gay Sex Memoir”

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Would 100% pay to see that film. The one with the Nazi bears and you fighting them, obv.

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Right? It actually sounds pretty good.

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Well I'm up for your dad's memoirs, gay poetry and all.

I don't think I've ever boycotted any fruit, although I do find kiwi fruit offensively testicular.

"I’m sorry to say this about my own father’s memoirs, but I’m pretty sure there’s going to be poetry about secret gay sex. And I blame the Nazis for that." As the PJ O'Rourke quote goes, " No one has ever had a fantasy about being tied to a bed and sexually ravished by someone dressed as a liberal".

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Hahaha love that!

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Thanks Georgina, that was just what I needed today. I may decide to give up writing altogether after this, as it's so great and my memoirs will now have to compete with the dead too.

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Aw no don't give up! Just work a bit on communication with the other side...

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